
60 x 40 cms

Luminance coloured pencils on Canson pastel board

Own reference.

Hyland’s Flat, south of Conara in Tasmania’s Midlands is an area of tough, unrelenting landscape.Weather-beaten, its hardy terrain marked by bleached sheep trails, remains defiant to what ever Nature delivers.Only 8 Cypress Pines planted there have shown continued resistance to the elements. On rare occasions a quilt of colour after rain, but more often than not, parched, the land continues to test all who earn their living from it. The people who farm this area are seemingly unaffected by the landscape and its challenges.

This was my entry in this year’s Bay of Fires Art Prize in Tasmania. It didn’t win, but I was honoured to be selected for the second time with a coloured pencil entry in such a prestigious art award that champions such a broad range of art mediums.

Hyland’s Flat is one of my ‘special’ places in Tasmania for art inspiration. I have visited it several times and I have a comprehensive photo collection of the area. It’s often dry and barren, but it has a certain charm. It’s a ‘tough’ place for farming that is reflected in the drawing’s title. It may appear abstract, but the intention to portray its nature is real. It’s a place of extremes, yet farming began here over 150 years ago and is ongoing.

I identify with this area in regards to my art career, as I will explain in detail when I finish the book I am writing. I wonder if you can guess its title?


About artkleko

artist, art curator, art teacher, art judge, art critic
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8 Responses to STOIC

  1. Congratulations for being selected Richard, always a good thing, and especially as an advocate for coloured pencils. Tasmania is a great place, so much diversity in a small area.

  2. artpony says:

    congrats on being juried in…very nice piece

  3. Jan Fagan says:

    Did you say book?! Can’t wait to know more. Love this piece and I do enjoy hearing about where you live and the inspirations for your wonderful art!

  4. Merril thompson says:

    Good one ! If even u can feel honored just to be accepted, then i can keep trying, rather than thinking i must be a bad artist not to have made it!

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