Glover Prize 2009


The Glover Prize is the richest landscape prize in Australia ($30,000) and is awarded annually for a landscape painting of Tasmania ( This year I was one of 43 finalists out of 250 entries from Australia and overseas. This was my third attempt to enter and I was thrilled to have my drawing “Wholemeal Landscape, Northern Tasmania” chosen. I didn’t win (Matthew Armstrong from Hobart was a deserving winner), but I did sell my work. I have enclosed my artist’s statement:

This drawing celebrates the strong bond between bread and the landscape. 

Bread is made from grain (and water), which in this case, comes from the fertile areas of Northern Tasmania.

 Bread as an object has strong landscape qualities. Its colour, structure and texture, is reminiscent of its agricultural origin and landscape surrounds.

 Ancient Egyptians considered bread the “staff of life”.

 In Christianity bread symbolises the body of Christ.

 We consider bread and water to be the most basic necessities of our diet.

 Despite modernisation, the pressures on farming and our environment, we are still able to grow our own food on rich, fertile land.

 Tasmania is indeed a special place.


About artkleko

artist, art curator, art teacher, art judge, art critic
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4 Responses to Glover Prize 2009

  1. Val says:

    Well done on your achievement in the Glover Richard. It is both a privilege and a pleasure to watch and support your continuing achievements. May your bread theme continue to inspire, and challenge you, to set new boundaries in your drawing.

  2. Carol Cooper says:

    I am so happy to have stumbled across your blog through Blog Catalog this evening. Your painting reminds me of the saying: Give us this day our daily bread, it is truly a magnificent work of art! I am enjoying reading & viewing your art class posts, very inspirational, thank you for sharing!

  3. Vera Curnow says:

    Richard … Great piece. I love the content — very creative. Congratulations!
    I will announce your award in the Spring issue of To The Point. Thank you
    for sharing your news with our CPSA members.

  4. Congratulations on getting into the final of the Glover Prize. I’ll be doing a post about this in UKCPS News.

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